Although in this case it's because he has a more upbeat personality compared to Danielle. Annoying Younger Sibling: Peter in Don't Forget Me!.Carpenter in They Call Me Creature, who has been killing and experimenting on animals, but it's to find a cure for her son who has become a pig creature.

An Aesop: Locker 13 has one about how you should try to get ahead in life through hard work instead of relying on luck.Arch-Enemy: In Shadow Girl Selena's cousin turns out to be a supervillain who is forced to be this to Selena and resents her because she wanted to be a superhero.It only has slight differences but just being there causes him to destroy most things he touches. Alternate Universe: Liar Liar has Ross entering one after telling so many lies.Alien Among Us: A whole unit of alien invaders disguise themselves as humans in the book Visitors and the episode Four Eyes.
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