Devil may cry 1 blue orbs
Devil may cry 1 blue orbs

devil may cry 1 blue orbs

  • Best Live Band to See in the Middle of a Three-Day Bender Grave Danger.
  • Best Joint for BPM Junkies and Fashion-Conscious Candy Ravers Swell Records.
  • devil may cry 1 blue orbs

  • Best Dance Club Club Freedom at Pompeii.
  • Best Club for Blues and Jazz Rhythm Room.
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  • Best Free Concert Venue Charlie's Espresso on Mill.
  • Best Place to Catch a Band on the Way Down Mason Jar Live!.
  • Best Country Music Station KXKQ-FM 94.1, Safford.
  • Best Classical Radio Station KBAQ-FM 89.5.
  • Best Jazz/Blues Radio Station KJZZ-FM 91.5.
  • Best Alternative Radio Station KEDJ-FM 106.3/100.3.
  • Best Record Store Staffed by Overeducated Underachievers Eastside Records.
  • Best Place to See a National Act Celebrity Theatre.
  • Best Used Jazz CD Selection Zia Record Exchange.
  • Best Used Record Store - Rock Tracks in Wax.
  • Best Excuse to Look at a Drum Riser Bob Hoag, Pollen.
  • devil may cry 1 blue orbs

  • Best Chain Store for New CDs Virgin Megastore.
  • Best Rock Club Sound Man Jamal Ruhe/Nita's Hideaway.
  • Best Local Act to Stave Off the Aging Process Carvin Jones.
  • Best Musician You've Never Heard Of Chris Doyle, Big Blue Couch.
  • Best Club for Rock Music Nita's Hideaway.
  • Earth to Arizona Legislature: "Come again?" The commercial ended and the screen filled again with writhing, near-naked coeds in Cancún. Personally, I'd rather keep my self-respect than sleep with you." You know that thing between your legs? That is not what makes you a man. "To all you guys out there who see me as just another sex story to brag about to your friends: reality check. The ad featured head shots of a half-dozen Jennifer Aniston look-alikes, taking turns delivering the following lines: Suddenly, this year's fun in the Mexican sun was interrupted by an abstinence-only public service announcement approved by the Arizona Legislature, produced by the state Department of Health Services and funded with our tax dollars. Or maybe someone just shoved the latest Arbitron numbers under his nose and let the teardrops fall.įor one week each year, the already sex-soaked cable network MTV becomes MT&A, letting it all hang out for Spring Break, shot at some exotic location and featuring nubile college students humping and grinding and sometimes frolicking in nothing but shaving cream.

    devil may cry 1 blue orbs

    Maybe a marketing group told him the only way to beat Dave Pratt and Howard Stern in the morning ratings was to get disaffected female listeners by becoming a sensitive weeping jock. It did make the morning drive more riveting than the hackneyed "wacky" fare that he and his partner Greg Simms usually dream up (like polling listeners for "kissable news anchors," for instance), but frankly we're too cynical about radio in the year 2000 to think Smiley's weeping was anything but crocodilian in nature, especially since he snapped back into his "professional" voice so quickly you'd think Don Pardo just walked into the room. On hand to catch his deposits of grief was the nauseatingly reassuring Love Doctor, a Tuesday morning regular who told him it takes a strong man to cry on radio where no one can see you. Not since the Hindenburg crash has such tear-drenched humanity dripped out over the airwaves. Poor Dave wasn't very Smiley the day we tuned in to the New Guys morning show and heard him turn on the waterworks while reading a "Dear Dave" e-mail his girlfriend sent him.

    Devil may cry 1 blue orbs